what else, you may ask?

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Good morning my loves and happy Sunday!

This past week has been quite a busy one. While still handling volleyball, I tackled back to school shopping, entertaining my cousin who was in town, and helping my friends get ready for their first day of school. It was quite a hectic week.

Although I seemed to have a lot of things on my plate, I still managed to procrastinate and have some down time. One thing I have recently come to love is youtube. I love watching youtuber's videos, vlogs, and challenges.

With technology becoming such a common thing in this modern world, these youtuber's lives have changed. These people have become famous simply over the internet. Millions of people watch their videos because of their humor, honesty, and willingness to do anything for the camera. These young people are becoming the face of our generation.

Many of my favorite youtubers have been talking about change. Since their lives blew up so quickly, their surroundings have changed. They went from posting videos from their bedrooms for fun to attending events, being signed to labels, and beginning making thousands of dollars all before the hit their twenties.

This is what Nash Grier, a youtuber and viner, said in his last video about change.
"A lot of people say 'you've changed' like it's a bad thing. Change is good, at least that's what I believe. I mean how does one grow and learn and experience without change? I personally have had a lot of changes in my life recently. But they wouldn't have happened unless I allowed them to. They wouldn't have happened unless I lived in the moment."
I found this so true and so full of wisdom. Yes, it may be silly that I am quoting a internet sensation, but I personally believe this is so applicable to anyone's life.

With school around the corner, I have the opportunity to change. I have the chance to be completely myself. I have the chance to make this a good year, one that I can look back on and say I really was myself.

Happy Sunday loves, rejoice in the Lord and have a day of relaxing before the busy week starts up again.

Best wishes,

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