what else, you may ask?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

2 0 1 5

Well hello there. Long time, no see.

Happy new year!!

With the first week back to school and the jumpstart to all my resolutions, things have been quite busy around here. I hope you all had a fabulous holiday season!

My cousin's birthday is January 2nd and my mom's is the 12th so the celebration is spread out a little longer for us! 

As for the new year, I am not sure I have ever been happier than I am now. In these 11 short days, I feel as though I am already well on my way to completing all the goals I set. 

Also, let me tell you something. God has been answering prayers in BIG ways. Ways that are so big, it takes me days to see the things he has answered. For quite some time now, I have been praying for God to show me where my place is among all of this. During this major transition period in my life, I have struggled finding my way. Despite all the tears and nights of feeling hopeless, I kept on praying because I know better than to think that this is not all for something much bigger than me. 

After a heart to heart with my parents, I began to see that maybe I have been over thinking all of this and it is really right in front of me. 

And for now, I am pretty darn happy to work with what I have found. 

Somedays my heart could just explode with my love for Jesus, and today is one of those days. 

So here's to the adventures 2015 will bring, the good and the bad, and all the ways I hope to see my life change.

Best wishes,

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