what else, you may ask?

Monday, July 7, 2014

A Serving Heart

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Happiest of Mondays to you, my friend!

Having a serving heart is something I have been praying over for quite some time. It instantly became one of my half year resolutions. I want to be someone who loves to serve others. I want to be the type of person that when people think of me, they think of my love for serving others. I want people to see me as someone who cares about them, someone who they could easily talk to.
"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." Galatians 5:13
Over the summer, my church has lots of opportunities to serve both within the church and in the greater community. At the beginning of the summer, I got to lead some of the youth in Vacation Bible School. Since then, I have had the chance to participate in Mission Mondays. Today, I had the privilege of serving at Infant Crisis Services. It is such a wonderful place. If you have time, please go to their website and read over their mission.

A few weeks back, I got to directly work with children at the Boys and Girls club. These little kids were so sweet. Many of them were so joyful with huge smiles on their faces. Others were quiet, timid, and afraid to speak. After bonding over Monopoly, Connect 4, and Guess Who, many came out of their shells. Even though I taught them how to make a fortune teller and some new games from my childhood- they taught me much more. These kids do not need pity. They do not want to talk about their life at home or why they ended up where they did. They simply wanted to have fun. They wanted me to run around with them and act their age. It showed me that even when times are bad, a smile really goes a long way. They made the best with what they were given and they sure did do a great job.

So in conclusion, always be thankful. Tables could turn at any moment and you could be the one in desperate need of help. Do not judge people. You have no idea what they struggle with behind closed doors. Do not compare your life to others. It is just that- your life. Finally, be joyful. Times get hard for everyone, you just have to push through and know that it is ultimately for the greater good. Everything happens for a reason.

A new week is a new start! Maybe look for some places where your service is needed this week, do a few good deeds here and there.

Best wishes,

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